For the LoWe of the written word!

Share your book with the community..

You read the book. You loved it. But now it is sitting at a corner of the library. What is its destiny?

LibOnWheels would love if you could share it with the community. We will make it easy for you.

Step 1: Express your interest by filling the form below

Step 2: We will contact you and collect the information about the books you are willing to share. We will publish the details on the LoWe site

Step 3: Interested readers will request this book through our site

Step 4: We will collect the book from your house and deliver it to the reader’s house. Your books do not leave your home till the time someone requests for it

Step 5: After a set period, we collect the book back from the reader and return to you, or forward to the next reader

While we will request all the readers to take good care of the books, we cannot guarantee that no damage will occur to your books. As this is a non-profit endeavor, we cannot provide any compensation, in case of damage to your books. Please do not share any high-value or sentimental-value books

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